Sunday, March 7, 2010

The very first week of the endless journey..

Well, it's the very first week of posting in female medical ward of HUSM, 7U and of course counted as 0 week as it is not yet officially the academic week yet. But still, even the thoughts of enetering it as a full time student just like normal staff nurses do really freaks the hell out of me!!:S

Was having sleepless night because of it and to make it worst..I caught flu and was coughing like crazy!! My, what on earth is happening to me? But trying to be more positive, I told myself to stay strong and don't bother bout it. That's just the early stage by the way..Clinical postings weren't the only thing that worries me,research title too was not yet fixed as there's alot of problem, from the title itself to the "choosing supervisor" part. After I go through several journals with good title to choose from, I finally met the course coordinator to confirm my title, unfortunately although she was satisfie with the title, she does not agree with my choice of supervisor for some reasons..

Below was the conversation:

CC: So Siik Fung, have you found the title you wanted to do?

Me: Yes maam, I found mine dy.

CC: Ok, so what title is it?

Me: Barriers towards blood donation among undergraduate students?

CC: Significant please?.....(conversation continues well as she agrees with the title and suddenly..)

CC: Who do you want to choose as your supervisor?

Me: Hm, I do think of having .... as my supervisor, because she has exprience in doing things like this.

CC: Well, are you sure if .... becomes your supervisor that she'll commit all her time for you and assist you along the way?

Me: Sure maam, I've even asked opinons from my senior and she does give crdeit to this person as my supervisor.

CC: You know she's doing her thesis right?

Me: Yes, I do, but if she's willing of taking me in to be supervised I'll be more than glad.

CC: I just don't want you to make the wrong decision as this will require youe supervisor to be fully responsible to your work, I'm worried that she will not have the time for you and leaving you like you're not having one.

Me: Hm? But I thought she was a good supervisor?

CC: But what I've heard from others were different, you title is good but make sure you make the right decision because I don't want you all to end up crying and looking for me to change anything. When you've decided, please sms me ok?

Me: Oh, ok..

And there it goes, another obstacle after another. Why on earth am I not surprised..I just knew it won't be so easy. But why did she kept on saying that? Why did she kept on emphasizing the same thing? I thought all of us were free to choose the supervisor of our choice, but is it that when it come to this person, a lot of questions occur? Sigh, now I'm lost for words..Trying my best not to give up yet, I tried plan B, find the previous course coordinator for her advise or maybe ask her to take me under her?

Me: Madam may I know are you still available to be my supervisor?

Ex CC: What title do you plan to do?

Me: .....

Ex CC: Hm, why is it that you didn't pick .... as your supervisor, she is teaching you this subject last year right?

Me: Ya, I know and alert about that, but the problem is our new CC told me different thing, that it may not be a good decision doing this topic under her due to...

Ex CC: Please do not listen to anyone else about it, sometimes it may be due to internal conflict between them that such thing surfaced. Ok, you try to ask .... whether she's willing to supervise you or not, if not only then you come to me.

Me: Oh, ok..

And there goes another contradicting statement from ex CC. Man, I was too stressed out that I've decided to stop thinking about it. but we can't run from problems forever right? So instead I tried to call the person instead, but!! She was not satisfied with the tite I've selected, instead I was asked to do something related to nursing and patient care. Got really speechelss that time. After several discussions done with my nursing ladies, I was convinced to stick to that title and I need to persuade the person to accept my title or else I have to find another person as my supervisor. Now @1547H, 9th July, I'm still holding on to my handphone, thinking bout what to say and defend myself. It is very very tiring. Hopefully before tonight, I'll be able to tell her about what I think. Just got my fingers crossed hopefully she'll understand..T_T

"The great breakthrough in life is when you comes when you realize that you can learn anything that you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there is no limit of what you can be, have or do. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited but imagination? It encircles the world."- Albert Einstein

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